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Setting Relative Path in React Router

Is there a way to shorten the path length when routes are passed through components in React Router? For example, in App.js:

  <Route exact path="/" component={Landing} />
  <Route exact path="/login" component={Login} />
  <PrivateRoute path="/main" component={Main} />
  <Route component={NotFound} />

And in Main.js component:

    <Route exact path="/main" component={Dashboard} />
    <Route exact path="/main/users" component={Users} />

Can I somehow omit adding /main before /main/users everytime I am in the Main component? Can /main be set to / within that component or do I have to explicitly type the full path every time?

I see discussions talking about something very similar (for example: Does react-router support relative links?) but is there anything for Router paths that can be configured? <Link to="users" /> is said to work but I can't get <Route path="users" /> to.

like image 743
Schnappi Avatar asked Dec 10 '18 18:12


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1 Answers

There is no "magic" in react-router that will automatically inject the current location, but you can do it pretty easily using this.props.location that is passed to the component from <Router />:

So if you are already at /main, you could set your paths to:

  <Route exact path={`${this.props.location.pathname}`} component={Dashboard} />
  <Route exact path={`${this.props.location.pathname}/users`} component={Users} />

Which would resolve as:

  <Route exact path="/main" component={Dashboard} />
  <Route exact path="/main/users" component={Users} />
like image 183
Chase DeAnda Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

Chase DeAnda