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Setting "Origin" and "Access-Control-Request-Method" headers with Jersey Client



Jersey client is not setting the "origin" header for me and I wonder if I am missing anything.

String origin="http://www.localhost.com";
ClientResponse response= webResourceBuilder("my/endpoint")
            .header( "origin" , origin)
            .header("Access-Control-Request-Method", "POST")
            .header("xorigin", origin)
            .header("whatever", "test")

When I inspect at runtime the request headers on the server side, I find "xorigin" and "whatever" headers, but not "origin" and "Access-Control-Request-Method"

How can I set these headers?

like image 311
SkP Avatar asked Nov 06 '12 16:11


2 Answers

Default Jersey client uses HttpURLConnection to send requests to the server. HttpUrlConnection restricts some headers to be sent in a request, see:

 * Restrict setting of request headers through the public api
 * consistent with JavaScript XMLHttpRequest2 with a few
 * exceptions. Disallowed headers are silently ignored for
 * backwards compatibility reasons rather than throwing a
 * SecurityException. For example, some applets set the
 * Host header since old JREs did not implement HTTP 1.1.
 * Additionally, any header starting with Sec- is
 * disallowed.
 * The following headers are allowed for historical reasons:
 * Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Cookie, Cookie2, Date,
 * Referer, TE, User-Agent, headers beginning with Proxy-.
 * The following headers are allowed in a limited form:
 * Connection: close
 * See http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest2.
private static final boolean allowRestrictedHeaders;
private static final Set<String> restrictedHeaderSet;
private static final String[] restrictedHeaders = {
    /* Restricted by XMLHttpRequest2 */
    "Connection", /* close is allowed */
    // "Referer",
    // "TE",

You have two options how to handle this situation:

  1. With the default Jersey client you need to set a system property


    which suppresses removing restricted headers from the request.

  2. Use ApacheHttpClient/ApacheHttpClient4 which doesn't seem to have this restriction. Simply add one of the following dependencies to your project:




    and then create your client like:



like image 175
Michal Gajdos Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Michal Gajdos

Or just set this property dynamically before setting your header (if you don't want to set it as global setting):

System.setProperty("sun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders", "true");
like image 22
user2819465 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10
