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Setting font to paragraph in pdf using iText java

I was trying to create pdf using iText in java. And am failed when I tried to set font to paragraph. The exact problem is only the font size is not getting applied. I used the following code.

StringReader strReader = new StringReader(content);
arrList = HTMLWorker.parseToList(strReader, null);

Font font = new Font(BaseFont.createFont("c:\\ARIALUN0.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, 
    BaseFont.EMBEDDED), 6, Font.BOLD, new Color(0, 0, 0));

Paragraph para = new Paragraph();  
for (int k = 0; k < arrList.size(); ++k) {                   

Can anyone help me to find a solution?

like image 281
Nims Avatar asked Apr 28 '11 11:04


2 Answers

//use this code.Sometimes setfont() willnot work with Paragraph


    FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(name);
    Document doc=new Document();
    PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, out);

    Font f=new Font(FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN,50.0f,Font.UNDERLINE,BaseColor.RED);
    Paragraph p=new Paragraph("New PdF",f);


    catch(Exception e)
like image 119
Bijin P Thomas Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09

Bijin P Thomas

I was pretty confused and almost posted the wrong answer to this.

Your paragraph is having its font set correctly. Just try inserting a String to see.

Your problem lies in your for loop. To the paragraph, you're adding a Element objects. An Element is composed of Chunk objects, which each have their own Font data.

Try setting the Font of the Chunks in your Elements when they are instantiated. That should solve your problem.

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Zach Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
