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Setting Custom error message with CarrierWave

I have an Image uploading application running on carrierwave which restrict user from uploading image only of desired extensions 'jpg,jpeg,png' I have put in place the validation for carrierwave in my Uploader define as

def extension_white_list
  %w(jpg jpeg png)

Now anyone trying to upload image having extension different from the desired extension(mention above) will result in validation errors

I want to customize the Validation Error message

Right Now Error message is presented as

You are not allowed to upload "" files, allowed types: ["jpg","jpeg","png"]

Can anyone help I found this link where the guys mention how to achieve this

but it some problem

1. I18n support I dont require to translate the error message using I18n 

2. The 'Key' to be used I not sure which key to used in YAML for
    not matching extension whitelist error message (e.g) carrierwave_processing_error key if error is for processing failure

Please Provide me answer in term of CarrierWave and please dont ask me to write separate validation set for extension matching

like image 945
Viren Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 09:03


1 Answers

Actually it is:

      extension_white_list_error: "You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}"



like image 79
nothing-special-here Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09
