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setNativeProps Change Value for Text Component React Native Direct Manipulation



I want to directly update the value of a component due to performance reasons.



<Text style={styles.welcome} ref={component => this._text = component}>
  Some Text

<TouchableHighlight underlayColor='#88D4F5'
            <Text style={styles.buttonText}
              Iam the Child


This is the method I use to update the text component. I dont know if I am setting the right attribute/ how to figure out which attribute to set:

    this._text.setNativeProps({text: 'Updated using native props'});

Essentially trying to follow the same approach from this example: https://rnplay.org/plays/pOI9bA

Edit: When I attempt to explicitly assign the updated value:

this._text.props.children = "updated"; 

( I know this this the proper way of doing things in RN ). I get the error "Cannot assign to read only property 'children' of object'#'"

So maybe this is why it cant be updated in RN for some reason ?

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Shivam Sinha Avatar asked May 04 '16 00:05

Shivam Sinha

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1 Answers

Instead of attempting to change the content of <Text> component. I just replaced with <TextInput editable={false} defaultValue={this.state.initValue} /> and kept the rest of the code the same. If anyone know how you can change the value of <Text> using setNativeProps OR other method of direct manipulations. Post the answer and ill review and accept.

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Shivam Sinha Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Shivam Sinha