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set x/y limits in facet_wrap with scales = 'free'

I've seen similar questions asked, and this discussion about adding functionality to ggplot Setting x/y lim in facet_grid . In my research I often want to produce several panels plots, say for different simulation trials, where the axes limits remain the same to highlight differences between the trials. This is especially useful when showing the plot panels in a presentation. In each panel plot I produce, the individual plots require independent y axes as they're often weather variables, temperature, relative humidity, windspeed, etc. Using

    ggplot() + ... + facet_wrap(~ ..., scales = 'free_y')

works great as I can easily produce plot panels of different weather variables. example weather variable plot panel When I compare between different plot panels, its nice to have consistent axes. Unfortunately ggplot provides no way of setting the individual limits of each plot within a panel plots. It defaults to using the range of given data. The Google Group discussion linked above discusses this shortcoming, but I was unable to find any updates as to whether this could be added. Is there a way to trick ggplot to set the individual limits?

like image 578
dan Avatar asked Feb 13 '15 00:02


People also ask

How do you change the scale of x in R?

To change the axis scales on a plot in base R Language, we can use the xlim() and ylim() functions. The xlim() and ylim() functions are convenience functions that set the limit of the x-axis and y-axis respectively.

What is the difference between Facet_wrap and Facet_grid?

While facet_grid shows the labels at the margins of the facet plot, facet_wrap creates a label for each plot panel.

What is Geom_blank?

geom_blank.Rd. The blank geom draws nothing, but can be a useful way of ensuring common scales between different plots.

1 Answers

A first suggestion that somewhat sidesteps the solution I'm looking for is to combine all my data into one data table and use facet_grid on my variable and simulation

    ggplot() + ... + facet_grid(variable~simulation, scales = 'free_y')

This produces a fine looking plot that displays the data in one figure, but can become unwieldy when considering many simulations. facet_grid solution

To 'hack' the plotting into producing what I want, I first determined which limits I desired for each weather variable. These limits were found by looking at the greatest extents for all simulations of interest. Once determined I created a small data table with the same columns as my simulation data and appended it to the end. My simulation data had the structure

    'year' 'month' 'variable' 'run' 'mean'
     1973     1     'rhmax'     1    65.44
     1973     2     'rhmax'     1    67.44
     ...     ...      ...      ...    ...
     2011    12    'windmin'   200    0.4 

So I created a new data table with the same columns

    ylims.sims <- data.table(year = 1, month = 13, 
    variable =  rep(c('rhmax','rhmin','sradmean','tmax','tmin','windmax','windmin'), each = 2),
    run = 201, mean = c(20, 100, 0, 80, 100, 350, 25, 40, 12, 32, 0, 8, 0, 2))

Which gives

    'year' 'month' 'variable' 'run' 'mean'
       1     13     'rhmax'    201    20
       1     13     'rhmax'    201    100
       1     13     'rhmin'    201    0
       1     13     'rhmin'    201    80
       1     13    'sradmean'  201    100
       1     13    'sradmean'  201    350
       1     13     'tmax'     201    25
       1     13     'tmax'     201    40
       1     13     'tmin'     201    12
       1     13     'tmin'     201    32
       1     13    'windmax'   201    0
       1     13    'windmax'   201    8
       1     13    'windmin'   201    0
       1     13    'windmin'   201    2

While the choice of year and run is aribtrary, the choice of month need to be anything outside 1:12. I then appended this to my simulation data

    sim1data.ylims <- rbind(sim1data, ylims)
    ggplot() + geom_boxplot(data = sim1data.ylims, aes(x = factor(month), y = mean)) +
    facet_wrap(~variable, scale = 'free_y') + xlab('month') +

When I plot these data with the y limits, I limit the x-axis values to those in the original data. The appended data table with y limits has month values of 13. As ggplot still scales axes to the entire dataset, even when the axes are limited, this gives me the y limits I desire. Important to note that if there are data values greater than the limits you specify, this will not work.

Before: Notice the differences in the y limits for each weather variable between the panels.

before simsbefore sims covars

After: Now the y limits remain consistent for each weather variable between the panels. enter image description here

enter image description here

I hope to edit this post in the coming days and add a reproducible example for better explanation. Please comment if you've heard anything about adding this functionality to ggplot.

like image 187
dan Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 05:10
