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Set value in field in redux form


I have redux form having dropdown and text fields. On dropdown change i have to update the other fields. The other fields are using custom component example

So the structure is like. 1. component having form 2. Field component.

Now i googled and found few things to update the field but not able to do it. What i tried 1. Adding state in the field like below in value. Does not work.

<Field name="accountno" value="this.state.accountno" component={InputText} placeholder="Number" /> 
  1. Tried disptach but not able to use it. Getting error for no dispatch i prop type

    this.props.dispatch(change('form', 'accountno', 'test value'));

  2. Tried this.props.fields but same not fields in props type.

It should work using 2 or 3 but not able to find where to add those. Please let me know how can i use these or any other way.

like image 762
Rahul Tailwal Avatar asked May 02 '17 13:05

Rahul Tailwal

People also ask

How do I set values in Redux form?

There are two methods to reinitialize the form component with new "pristine" values: Pass a enableReinitialize prop or reduxForm() config parameter set to true to allow the form the reinitialize with new "pristine" values every time the initialValues prop changes.

How do you get Redux Field value?

To get them, you will need to connect() directly to the form values in the Redux store. To facilitate this common use case, redux-form provides a convenient selector via the formValueSelector API.

What is Field in Redux form?

The Field component is how you connect each individual input to the Redux store. There are three fundamental things that you need to understand in order to use Field correctly: The name prop is required. It is a string path, in dot-and-bracket notation, corresponding to a value in the form values.

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bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch) Turns an object whose values are action creators, into an object with the same keys, but with every action creator wrapped into a dispatch call so they may be invoked directly. Normally you should just call dispatch directly on your Store instance.

1 Answers

When using redux-form, you don't need to set the value directly into the field. You can use the method initialize to populate your form. Or initialValues as a property of the object passed to redux to map state to props. The other way is to set the values individually using the function change from redux-form. In order to make it to work, you need to wrap your component with connect from react-redux. It embeds the dispatch method in your props.

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { reduxForm, Field, change } from 'redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux';  class Form extends Component {   componentDidMount() {     this.props.initialize({ accountno: 'some value here' });     // set the value individually     this.props.dispatch(change('myFormName', 'anotherField', 'value'));   }    render() {     return (       <form onSubmit={...}>         ...         <Field name="accountno" component={InputText} placeholder="Number" />         <Field name="anotherField" component={InputText} />       </form>     )   } }  Form = reduxForm({    form: 'myFormName'  })(Form);  export default connect(state => ({    // alternatively, you can set initial values here...   initialValues: {     accountno: 'some value here'   }  }))(Form); 
like image 173
Julio Betta Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 08:09

Julio Betta