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set umask for tomcat8 via tomcat.service

I am trying to set a custom umask for a tomcat 8 instance, tried to make it the good way by using the UMask directive in systemd tomcat unit as seen here without luck.

I'd like to set a 022 umask cause the company dev needs to access tomcat / application logs and they are not in the same group as the tomcat user....

the crazy thing is that the systemd doc says :

Controls the file mode creation mask. Takes an access mode in octal notation. See umask(2) for details. Defaults to 0022.

But the logs (application / tomcat) are set to 640 (not the expected 755) :

-rw-r----- 1 top top 21416 Feb  1 09:58 catalina.out

My service file :

# Systemd unit file for tomcat
Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container
After=syslog.target network.target




Any thoughts about this ?


like image 930
Pier Avatar asked Feb 01 '17 09:02


People also ask

What is umask in Tomcat?

On Unix like operating systems, Tomcat runs with a default umask of 0027 to maintain these permissions for files created while Tomcat is running (e.g. log files, expanded WARs, etc.).

What umask 0027?

The 027 umask setting means that the owning group would be allowed to read the newly-created files as well. This moves the permission granting model a little further from dealing with permission bits and bases it on group ownership. This will create directories with permission 750.

What is a umask of 0022?

umask 0022 would make the new mask 0644 (0666-0022=0644) meaning that group and others have read (no write or execute) permissions. The "extra" digit (the first number = 0), specifies that there are no special modes.

How do I change my umask settings?

To change your umask during your current session only, simply run umask and type your desired value. For example, running umask 077 will give you read and write permissions for new files, and read, write and execute permissions for new folders.

2 Answers

Try adding UMASK as Environment variable into tomcat's service file:


Default catalina.sh is checking for environment's $UMASK:

# Set UMASK unless it has been overridden
 if [ -z "$UMASK" ]; then
 umask $UMASK

(It seems to me, that UMask from systemd is not used by Tomcat, but I am not completely sure.)

like image 142
mjtecka Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10


I think you can achieve this with systemd by doing the following:

~]# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service.d
~]# echo -e "[Service]\nUMask=0022" >/etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service.d/custom-umask.conf
~]# systemctl daemon-reload
~]# systemctl restart tomcat

/etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service.d/umask-user.conf should overwrite the default values.

Source: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/2220161

P.S: A umask of 0022 would give a file 0644 permissions and a directory 0755

like image 44
Patrick McMahon Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Patrick McMahon