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set the content of an anchorPane with fxml file

I use the accordion control. Depending on the titled pane, I need to load a fxml file into an anchorPane. So I have two parts: one for accordion and another one for anchorPane to display contents depending on click.

private StackPane tmpPane;

private void itemMembres(MouseEvent event) throws IOException { 

tmpPane is an anchorPane in the view.


like image 865
Hayat Bellafkih Avatar asked Jan 10 '23 23:01

Hayat Bellafkih

1 Answers

I found the solution

  • Create a node by loanding a fxml file

  • Use setAll of AnchorPane

    private AnchorPane tmpPane
    private  void itemMembres(MouseEvent event) throws IOException{
    Node node;
    node = (Node)FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/view/MembresTableau.fxml"));
like image 198
Hayat Bellafkih Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 19:01

Hayat Bellafkih