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Set "secure" attribute for Flask cookies




I am running a Flask app using uWSGI and Nginx. I want make it compliant with PCI DSS. Running the scan gives the error Cookie Does Not Contain The "secure" Attribute. How do I set the secure attribute for cookies in Flask?

I have added the following line in my Nginx file but it didn't work.

proxy_cookie_path / "/; secure;";
like image 356
Naman Sharma Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 14:07

Naman Sharma

People also ask

How do I apply secure attribute to cookies?

Launch Google Chrome and go to either WEB or CAWEB portal website. Press F12 (from Keyboard) to launch Developer Tools. Go to Application tab -> Cookies ( left Panel) and ensure the Secure column was ticked.

How secure is the Flask session cookie?

Anybody can read the data in this cookie, but the server will know if the data has been tampered with. But because the data can be read by the browser, you should never store data that needs to be kept secret in with Flask's built-in session ! Now, start the server: python app.py .

How do you set Flask cookies?

Flask cookies In Flask, set the cookie on the response object. Use the make_response() function to get the response object from the return value of the view function. After that, the cookie is stored using the set_cookie() function of the response object. It is easy to read back cookies.

1 Answers

The secure flag for Flask's session cookie can be enabled in the Flask configuration.


To set it for other cookies, pass the secure flag to response.set_cookie.

response = app.make_response('<p>Hello, World!</p>')
response.set_cookie('name', 'World', secure=True)
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davidism Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
