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Set height of chart in Chart.js

If you disable the maintain aspect ratio in options then it uses the available height:

var chart = new Chart('blabla', {
    type: 'bar',
    data: {
    options: {
        maintainAspectRatio: false,

The easiest way is to create a container for the canvas and set its height:

<div style="height: 300px">
  <canvas id="chart"></canvas>

and set

options: {  
    responsive: true,
    maintainAspectRatio: false

Seems like var ctx = $('#myChart'); is returning a list of elements. You would need to reference the first by using ctx[0]. Also height is a property, not a function.

I did it this way in my code:

var chartEl = document.getElementById("myChart");
chartEl.height = 500;

You can wrap your canvas element in a parent div, relatively positioned, then give that div the height you want, setting maintainAspectRatio: false in your options

<div id="canvasWrapper" style="position: relative; height: 80vh/500px/whatever">
<canvas id="chart"></canvas>

new Chart(somechart, {
options: {
    responsive: true,
    maintainAspectRatio: false

/*, your other options*/


This one worked for me:

I set the height from HTML


Then I disabled to maintaining aspect ratio

options: {
  responsive: true,
  maintainAspectRatio: false,