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Set GPS Location in Emulator using Android Studio


In eclipse you can set a GPS location for the emulator using:

Select Window > Show View > Other > Emulator Control.

In the Emulator Control panel, enter GPS coordinates under Location Controls as individual lat/long coordinates, with a GPX file for route playback, or a KML file for multiple place marks. (Be sure that you have a device selected in the Devices panel—available from Window > Show View > Other > Devices.)

Is this possible in android studio?

like image 716
Reafidy Avatar asked Sep 24 '13 02:09


People also ask

How do I enable location on Android emulator?

Select "Emulator Control" Tab. At bottom you will see Location Controls Panel. Select "Manual" Tab. Enter Longitude and Latitude in Textboxs then Click Send Button.

How do I set latitude and longitude on Android?

Select Location > Then set the Latitude and Longitude values. Then press Send to set the Latitude and Longitude values to the emulator device.

2 Answers

Tools --> Android --> Android Device Monitor

If your emulator is running and not offline, you will get window like in eclipse to set Emulator control.

like image 105
Umesh Avatar answered Mar 30 '23 01:03


From the docs

If you want to debug your app with the Android Debug Monitor, you can launch it by clicking Monitor in the toolbar.

like image 37
nedaRM Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 23:03
