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Set EXECUTE sp_executesql result into a variable in sql

I have to set a dynamic sql query result to a variable. My sql query is :


SET @Qry='SELECT Test FROM MTest22Dec WHERE ID = 1'      
EXECUTE sp_executesql @Qry, N'@Result NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT', @Result=@ResultString OUTPUT
PRINT @ResultString

But @ResultString is printing empty string although there is record in database table.

What is wrong in this query?


like image 867
Kartikeya Khosla Avatar asked Jan 02 '15 06:01

Kartikeya Khosla

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1 Answers

You need to assign the result of select to variable inside Dynamic statement.

Change you query like this.


SET @Qry='SELECT @Result = Test FROM MTest22Dec WHERE ID = 1'

EXECUTE Sp_executesql @Qry, N'@Result NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT', @Result OUTPUT

PRINT @Result 
like image 124
Pரதீப் Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10
