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Set edittext using only ",0123456789" programmatically in Android?

My question is this.

I can say in xml


But this time I've to it add trough java code.


Doesn't work. Application gives me same result as android:InputType="number"

So is there any alternative way to say android:digits using java?


So my question wasn't how to get android:InputType="number" using java.

My question is that how I can get android:digits="0123456789," to be used with java.

At this point I don't care if the user can see characters. I just want my edittext field to accept only numbers from 0 to 9 and the decimal comma (,).

Because of the customEdittext is really a customized edittext I can't use xml atm.

like image 339
joonasj Avatar asked Jul 17 '12 09:07


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2 Answers

try customEditText.setRawInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL);

like image 130
Haresh Chaudhary Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10

Haresh Chaudhary

EditText ed;

also docs may help

like image 3
Andrew F Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Andrew F