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Set default renderer

I know how to change the default renderer using Matlab GUI, but I would like to use painters renderer instead of opengl all the time instead of changing it every time.

Is there a way to set default renderer in Matlab by using set command. I'm looking for command like: set(groot, 'defaultRenderer', 'painters')

Thank you!

like image 373
Robotik1 Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 06:08


1 Answers

As you can see here you can build every "default property" you wish by concatenating default + class name + property.

In your case it would be:

set(0, 'defaultFigureRenderer', 'painters')


set(groot, 'defaultFigureRenderer', 'painters')

You can check by get(groot,'default').

Be aware that the default is just set for the current session! Restarting would omit the changes. To set it permanently put the line into a start-up file .

like image 185
Robert Seifert Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Robert Seifert