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Set deafult schema while querying in pgAdmin 4 with query tool

Whenever i have to execute sql commands in pgAdmin 4 i have to append schema_name with tables. Eg :-

SELECT * FROM my_schema.users //where myschema is schema name

Is there any way to execute sql commands in pgAdmin 4 without schema name, by setting a default schema in advance.

Some thing like this

SELECT * FROM programme

- without specifying schema name with table.

Is there a way to set default schema in pgAdmin 4 for querying in sql tool?

like image 350
Subin Chalil Avatar asked Aug 16 '17 13:08

Subin Chalil

1 Answers

You can do it in 2 ways:

SET search_path = my_schema, "$user", public; -- For current session only

ALTER ROLE your_role SET search_path = my_schema, "$user", public; -- Persistent, for role

You can also set it for whole database, same way as for role.

EDIT: Just to explain what this does - it will change where and in what order Postgres will search for objects matching object identifiers that did not get prefixed with schema name.

like image 165
Łukasz Kamiński Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11

Łukasz Kamiński