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Set BindingContext to ViewModel in XAML on Xamarin.Forms

I want to develop a simple project with Xamarin.Form and MVVM. In my solution (named XamarinPOC) i have (in addition to standard Xamarin.Forms projects) one separate project for the model (XamarinPOC.Model) and one separate project for the ViewModel (XamarinPOC.ViewModel).

I defined in a XamarinPOC.ViewModel project an abstract class for a BaseViewModel class (that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface) and after I've created a SummaryViewModel class that extend BaseViewModel class with a simple property:

namespace XamarinPOC.ViewModel
    public class SummaryViewModel : BaseViewModel

        private string _test = "The binding is OK!";
        public String test
                return _test;
                _test = value;
        public SummaryViewModel(){}

Next I created a simple ContentPage (SummatyView) in a XamarinPOC project that contain only a label that i want show the text defined in ViewModel. I want to use a XAML for defining the View and the binding but when I run the app nothing is displayed, I no errors on compile-time and runtime but the text are not displayed. My XAML is this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
             Title="Summary List"
    <Label Text="{Binding test}"/>

and finally my app.cs is:

 namespace XamarinPOC
     public class App : Application
         public App()
             MainPage = new Summary();

In the XamarinPOC project I've added a reference to XamarinPOC.ViewModel and XamarinPOC.Model assemblies.

I think the problem is in the XAML definition of binding, but i don't find the error. Where am I wrong?

like image 727
fabiuz Avatar asked Jul 24 '16 12:07


People also ask

How do I use BindingContext in Xamarin forms?

Data Bindings In code, two steps are required: The BindingContext property of the target object must be set to the source object, and the SetBinding method (often used in conjunction with the Binding class) must be called on the target object to bind a property of that object to a property of the source object.

How many ways you can bind a ViewModel with XAML?

There are two ways in which we can bind View and View Model.

1 Answers

To bind the view to the viewmodel from Xaml in your case do it like this

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"              xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml"              xmlns:viewModels="clr-namespace:XamarinPOC.ViewModel; assembly=XamarinPOC.ViewModel"              x:Class="XamarinPOC.Summary"              Title="Summary List">   <ContentPage.BindingContext>     <viewModels:SummaryViewModel/>   </ContentPage.BindingContext>   <StackLayout>     <Label Text="{Binding test}"/>   </StackLayout> </ContentPage> 

One side note I noticed is with naming conventions, it is better to put all your ViewModels, even if it is only one viewModel, inside a folder named "ViewModels" So the namespace in your case would be XamarinPOC.ViewModels

like image 80
Ahmad ElMadi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Ahmad ElMadi