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Session for windows forms application in C#

Is there a session for Windows based applications for C# in order to record the details of log in in and log out for multiple users?

I tried to use declaring static variables, but it is not the same as a session.

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Tsuna Sawada Avatar asked Jan 30 '13 08:01

Tsuna Sawada

2 Answers

There is no concept of session variables in Windows Forms. You can do:

Create a static class that holds the user name and password and any other variables needed across the application.

In your case it would be something like:

public static class LoginInfo
    public static string UserID;

Now you can access the UserID simply from anywhere in your code:


Or set the values after login like:

LogInfo.UserID = TextBox1.Text;
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sajanyamaha Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


No, there are no session variables in a normal Windows application (the way there is in a web application). If you need logging for a Windows application I agree with the previously written comment to use some logging framework like log4net, NLog or something like that. Even using the Eventlogs can be an option, but I don't recommend it.

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Sandman Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
