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SES how to get ARN of identity?

How to get the Identity ARN of a verified SES email? I have an SES email which is verified and I want to get the Identity ARN to assign it to Cognito programmatically. Looking into the Boto3 config I can not find any method giving me this information. The closest I get is list_verified_email_addresses, which just gives me the email if it is verified... no way how to get the ARN from that.

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lony Avatar asked Nov 08 '18 16:11


People also ask

How do I verify my identity SES?

In the Amazon SES console, under Identity Management, choose Email Addresses. In the list of email addresses, locate the email address you're verifying. If the email address was verified, the value in the Status column is "verified".

How can I find out which IAM user sent an email through Amazon SES?

On the All metrics tab, choose SES. Choose the dimension name that you entered when you created the configuration set. For example, choose ses:caller-identity. Under the ses:caller-identity column, you'll see the IAM user who sent the test email.

What is a message ID SES?

If the request to SES succeeds, SES returns a success response to the sender. This message includes the message ID, a string of characters that uniquely identifies the request.

1 Answers

From Boto3 docs, there is no support to get the identity ARN. But you can construct it easily. Assuming you are in us-east-1 (or get the region using Boto3):

account_num = '1234567890'
identity = '[email protected]'
print 'arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:'+account_num+':identity/'+identity


arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:1234567890:identity/[email protected]
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helloV Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
