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Servlet 3 spec and ThreadLocal

As far as I know, Servlet 3 spec introduces asynchronous processing feature. Among other things, this will mean that the same thread can and will be reused for processing another, concurrent, HTTP request(s). This isn't revolutionary, at least for people who worked with NIO before.

Anyway, this leads to another important thing: no ThreadLocal variables as a temporary storage for the request data. Because if the same thread suddenly becomes the carrier thread to a different HTTP request, request-local data will be exposed to another request.

All of that is my pure speculation based on reading articles, I haven't got time to play with any Servlet 3 implementations (Tomcat 7, GlassFish 3.0.X, etc.).

So, the questions:

  • Am I correct to assume that ThreadLocal will cease to be a convenient hack to keep the request data?
  • Has anybody played with any of Servlet 3 implementations and tried using ThreadLocals to prove the above?
  • Apart from storing data inside HTTP Session, are there any other similar easy-to-reach hacks you could possibly advise?

EDIT: don't get me wrong. I completely understand the dangers and ThreadLocal being a hack. In fact, I always advise against using it in similar context. However, believe it or not, thread context has been used far more frequently than you probably imagine. A good example would be Spring's OpenSessionInViewFilter which, according to its Javadoc:

This filter makes Hibernate Sessions available via the current thread, which will be autodetected by transaction managers.

This isn't strictly ThreadLocal (haven't checked the source) but already sounds alarming. I can think of more similar scenarios, and the abundance of web frameworks makes this much more likely.

Briefly speaking, many people have built their sand castles on top of this hack, with or without awareness. Therefore Stephen's answer is understandable but not quite what I'm after. I would like to get a confirmation whether anyone has actually tried and was able to reproduce failing behaviour so this question could be used as a reference point to others trapped by the same problem.

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mindas Avatar asked Feb 20 '11 23:02


1 Answers

Async processing shouldn't bother you unless you explcitly ask for it.

For example, request can't be made async if servlet or any of filters in request's filter chain is not marked with <async-supported>true</async-supported>. Therefore, you can still use regular practices for regular requests.

Of couse, if you actually need async processing, you need to use appropriate practices. Basically, when request is processed asynchronously, its processing is broken into parts. These parts don't share thread-local state, however, you can still use thread-local state inside each of that parts, though you have to manage the state manually between the parts.

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axtavt Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
