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Serving dynamic zip files through Apache

One of the responsibilities of my Rails application is to create and serve signed xmls. Any signed xml, once created, never changes. So I store every xml in the public folder and redirect the client appropriately to avoid unnecessary processing from the controller.

Now I want a new feature: every xml is associated with a date, and I'd like to implement the ability to serve a compressed file containing every xml whose date lies in a period specified by the client. Nevertheless, the period cannot be limited to less than one month for the feature to be useful, and this implies some zip files being served will be as big as 50M.

My application is deployed as a Passenger module of Apache. Thus, it's totally unacceptable to serve the file with send_data, since the client will have to wait for the entire compressed file to be generated before the actual download begins. Although I have an idea on how to implement the feature in Rails so the compressed file is produced while being served, I feel my server will get scarce on resources once some lengthy Ruby/Passenger processes are allocated to serve big zip files.

I've read about a better solution to serve static files through Apache, but not dynamic ones.

So, what's the solution to the problem? Do I need something like a custom Apache handler? How do I inform Apache, from my application, how to handle the request, compressing the files and streaming the result simultaneously?

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Rômulo Ceccon Avatar asked Jan 17 '11 13:01

Rômulo Ceccon

1 Answers

Check out my mod_zip module for Nginx:


You can have a backend script tell Nginx which URL locations to include in the archive, and Nginx will dynamically stream a ZIP file to the client containing those files. The module leverages Nginx's single-threaded proxy code and is extremely lightweight.

The module was first released in 2008 and is fairly mature at this point. From your description I think it will suit your needs.

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Emiller Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
