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ServiceWorker fails on hard reload (Ctrl-Shift-R) in Chrome

Why does service worker fail after a hard reload (Ctrl-Shift-R)?

---- case 1 CHROME --- success

  1. Uninstall service worker
  2. Load page
  3. Page installs service worker
  4. Worker.postMessage() succeeds
  5. reload page
  6. Worker.postMessage() succeeds

---- case 2 CHROME --- failure

  1. Uninstall service worker
  2. Load page
  3. Page installs service worker
  4. Worker.postMessage() succeeds
  5. HARD RELOAD (ctrl-shift-R) page (serviceworker still running according to chrome://serviceworker-internals/ )
  6. Worker.postMessage() fails -- 'error sendingTypeError: Cannot read property 'postMessage' of null'
like image 659
patrick Avatar asked Mar 01 '18 16:03


Video Answer

2 Answers

When you shift-reload, the reloaded page will not be controlled by a service worker. This is part of the service worker specification.

This just applies for that next page load. Future page loads (that don't involve shift-reload) will continue to be controlled by a service worker, assuming that the page is in scope of one.

like image 129
Jeff Posnick Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Jeff Posnick

During development you can use, for example, Chrome's Dev-Tools and set that the service workers are updated on each reload:

Service Worker Upload Settings Chrome Dev-Tools

For further reference you can read Googles Web Essentials on this topic.

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mmr Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10
