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Servicestack ORMLite Query Multiple

I was wondering if ORMLite had a QueryMultiple solution like dapper.

My use case is in getting paged results.

return new {
  Posts = conn.Select<Post>(q => q.Where(p => p.Tag == "Chris").Limit(20, 10))
  TotalPosts = conn.Count<Post>(q.Where(p => p.Tag == "Chris"))

I also have a few other cases where I'm calculating some other stats in addition to a main query, and I'm keen to avoid multiple roundtrips.

(Probably unrelated, but I'm using PostgreSQL)

like image 303
Chris Avatar asked May 09 '13 15:05


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1 Answers

You can probably do something like this:

var bothThings = db.Exec(cmd => {

    cmd.CommandText = @"
        select * from TableA
        select * from TableB";

    var both = new BothAandB();

    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
        both.a = reader.ConvertToList<A>();
        both.b = reader.ConvertToList<B>();

    return both;


It might be possible to wrap this up in an extension method, but nothing clever is coming to mind.

like image 129
Master Morality Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Master Morality