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Service Worker and transparent cache updates

I am trying to install a ServiceWorker for a simple, yet old, Django web app. I started working with the example read-through caching example from the Chrome team

This works well but isn't ideal because I want to update the cache, if needed. There are two recommended ways to do this based on reading all the other service-worker answers here.

  1. Use some server-side logic to know when the stuff you show has updated and then update your service worker to change what is precached. This is what sw-precache does, for example.

  2. Just update the cache version in the service worker JS file (see comments in the JS file on the caching example above) whenever resources you depend on update.

Neither are great solutions for me. First, this is a dumb, legacy app. I don't have the application stack that sw-precache relies on. Second, someone else updates the data that will be shown (it is basically a list of things with a details page).

I wanted to try out the "use cache, but update the cache from network" that Jake Archibald suggested in his offline cookbook but I can't quite get it to work.

My original thinking was I should just be able to return the cached version in my service worker, but queue a function that would update the cache if the network is available. For example, something like this in the fetch event listener

// If there is an entry in cache, return it after queueing an update
console.log(' Found response in cache:', response);
setTimeout(function(request, cache){
        if (response.status < 400 && response.type == 'basic') {
            console.log("putting a new response into cache");
            cache.put(request, response);
},10, request.clone(), cache);

return response;

But this doesn't work. The page gets stuck loading.

whats wrong with the code above? Whats the right way to get to my target design?

like image 914
devd Avatar asked Nov 08 '15 04:11


People also ask

Can service workers access cache?

Using a Service worker you can easily set an app up to use cached assets first, thus providing a default experience even when offline, before then getting more data from the network (commonly known as Offline First).

Should service worker be cached?

Service worker caching strategies and use cases #It's preferable to serve the fresh content. However if the network fails or is unstable, it's acceptable to serve slightly old content. It's okay to serve cached content right away, but updated cached content should be used in the future.

What is transparent caching?

A transparent cache identifies the most popular content on your network, stores it locally, and delivers it from the network edge when requested. And it does all this without requiring any change of behavior or business logic by content providers, content delivery networks (CDNs), or subscribers.

1 Answers

It sounds like https://jakearchibald.com/2014/offline-cookbook/#stale-while-revalidate is very close to what you're looking for

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
    caches.open('mysite-dynamic').then(function(cache) {
      return cache.match(event.request).then(function(response) {
        var fetchPromise = fetch(event.request).then(function(networkResponse) {
          // if we got a response from the cache, update the cache
          if (response) {
            cache.put(event.request, networkResponse.clone());
          return networkResponse;

        // respond from the cache, or the network
        return response || fetchPromise;
like image 137
JaffaTheCake Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 23:11
