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Server-side or client-side for fetching tweets?

I run this website for my dad which pulls tweets from his twitter feed and displays them in an alternative format. Currently, the tweets are pulled using javascript so entirely client-side. Is the most efficient way of doing things? The website has next to no hit rate but I'm just interested in what would be the best way to scale it. Any advice would be great. I'm also thinking of including articles in the stream at some point. What would be the best way to implement that?

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neutrino Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 19:04


2 Answers

Twitter API requests are rate limited to 150 an hour. If your page is requested more than that, you will get an error from the Twitter API (an HTTP 400 error). Therefore, it is probably a better idea to request the tweets on the server and cache the response for a certain period of time. You could request the latest tweets up to 150 times an hour, and any time your page is requested it receives the cached tweets from your server side script, rather than calling the API directly.

From the Twitter docs:

Unauthenticated calls are permitted 150 requests per hour. Unauthenticated calls are measured against the public facing IP of the server or device making the request.

I recently did some work integrating with the Twitter API in exactly the same way you have. We ended up hitting the rate limit very quickly, even just while testing the app. That app does now cache tweets at the server, and updates the cache a few times every hour.

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James Allardice Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

James Allardice

I would recommend using client-side to call the Twitter API. Avoid calling your server. The only downfall to using client-side js is that you cannot control whether or not the viewer will have js deactivated.

What kind of article did you want to include in the stream? Like blog posts directly on your website or external articles?

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Karl Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
