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server-side fallback rendering



Is there any way to have three.js running server-side on a headless server (standalone server, Amazon AWS or similar)?

Currently I fall back to canvas rendering (wireframe only for performance reasons) when user's browser does not support WebGL. This is good enough for realtime interaction, but for the app to make sense, users would really need to somehow be able to see a properly rendered version with lights, shadows, post processing etc. even if it comes with great latency.

So... would it be possible to create a server-side service with functional three.js instance? The client would still use tree.js canvas wireframe rendering, but after say... a second of inactivity, it would request via AJAX a full render from the server-side service, and overlay it simply as an image.

Are there currently any applications, libraries or anything that would allow such a thing (functional javascript+webgl+three.js on a headless, preferably linux server, and GPU-less at that)?

PhantomJS comes to mind, but apparently it does not yet support WebGL: http://code.google.com/p/phantomjs/issues/detail?id=273

Or any alternative approaches to the problem? Going the route of programmatically controlling a full desktop machine with a GPU and standard chrome/firefox instance feels possible, while fragile, and I really really wouldn't want to go there if there are any software-only solutions.

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yaku Avatar asked Dec 23 '12 22:12


1 Answers

In its QA infrastructure, Google can run Chromium testing using Mesa (see issue 97675, via the switch --use-gl=osmesa). The software rasterizer in the latest edition of Mesa is pretty advanced, involving the use of LLVM to convert the shaders and emulate the execution on the CPU. Your first adventure could be building Mesa, building Chromium, and then try to tie them together.

As a side note, this is also what I plan (in the near future) for PhantomJS itself, in particular since Qt is also moving in that direction, i.e. using Mesa/LLVMpipe instead of its own raster engine only. The numbers actually look good. Even better, for an offline, non-animated single-shot capture, the performance would be more than satisfactory.

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Ariya Hidayat Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Ariya Hidayat