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'Server Explorer' > 'Windows Azure' > 'SQL Databases' in VS2013 does not show any databases

According to: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2013/10/23/windows-azure-sdk-2-2-release.aspx

The SQL Database node is a welcomed addition to the Windows Azure Server Explorer. Now you can browse your SQL Azure databases without knowing the virtual machine or connection string to the database. We automatically configure the firewall so that you can access the database from your developer workstation. You can also open your SQL Azure database in SQL Object Explorer for a complete database management experience.

SQL Databases from Windows Azure shown in Server Explorer

However, I have added a SQL Database in my Windows Azure Management Portal but it does not appear in Server Explorer, the SQL Databases branch is completely empty. I also have a Web Site which does show up in Server Explorer.

Any ideas what the problem is?

I've tried refreshing and restarting Visual Studio, and signing out and back in again.

I thought it might be this Can't connect to Windows Azure Database (even though the MSDN documentation says the firewall is automatically configured). However I can connect with SQL Server Management Studio over port 1433 fine.

I can of course open SQL Server Object Explorer and do Add SQL Server and add the connection string in there, and browse the tables etc in the same way, but I was just under the impression they should appear automatically under Windows Azure.

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Adam Marshall Avatar asked Jan 29 '14 08:01

Adam Marshall

People also ask

How do I view databases in Azure?

On your SQL database Overview page in the Azure portal, select Query editor (preview) from the left menu. On the sign-in screen, provide credentials to connect to the database. You can connect using SQL authentication or Azure AD.

How do I link my Azure SQL Database to Visual Studio 2022?

Open your project in Visual Studio. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Connected Services node, and, from the context menu, select Add Connected Service. In the Connected Services tab, select the + icon for Service Dependencies. In the Add Dependency page, select Azure SQL Database.

2 Answers

SQL Databases do not yet support the OAuth signon in Visual Studio and they still require a management certificate to interact with them in VS. If you right-click the Windows Azure node in the server explorer tree and select Manage Subscriptions you can then switch to the Certificates tab and import a management certificate.

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kwill Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10


After right-clicking on Windows Azure, click on the Certificates Tab. There will be a link that says something like download certificate - sorry I can’t remember the exact wording. After clicking on this link, a browser should open up allowing you to download and save the certificate. Then go back to VS and import that certificate.

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physics90 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10
