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Serve static files (JavaScript) with Struts 2

I want to put some JavaScript files in one of my packages and make Struts serve them like /struts/js/foo.js

Struts does that for files in 'template' package (that's where jQuery plugin's files are located, guarded by struts.ui.templateDir option). However I want to put those files into another package; If I redefine struts.ui.templateDir then struts ceases working because it can't find its templates.

So the question is: How to tell Struts to serve files in org.foo.some.package.js as /struts/js/whatever.js?

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alamar Avatar asked Oct 28 '10 18:10


1 Answers

Struts2 can serve static content out of the box. By default static content is being served by DefaultStaticContentLoader an implementation of StaticContentLoader. It automatically searches the following packages:

  • org.apache.struts2.static
  • template
  • static
  • org.apache.struts2.interceptor.debugging

You can add additional packages to be searched in filter init parameter named "packages".

        <param-value>some.package another.one</param-value>

You can add more than one package, use comma or space or tab or new line as separator.

BTW you can control whether static content is being cached by a browser or not with this constant:

like image 117
Aleksandr M Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10

Aleksandr M