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Serve a dynamically generated image with Django

How do I serve a dynamically generated image in Django?

I have an html tag

<html> ...     <img src="images/dynamic_chart.png" /> ... </html> 

linked up to this request handler, which creates an in-memory image

def chart(request):     img = Image.new("RGB", (300,300), "#FFFFFF")     data = [(i,randint(100,200)) for i in range(0,300,10)]     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)     draw.polygon(data, fill="#000000")     # now what?     return HttpResponse(output) 

I also plan to change the requests to AJAX, and add some sort of caching mechanism, but my understanding is that wouldn't affect this part of the solution.

like image 800
pufferfish Avatar asked Jul 02 '09 12:07


1 Answers

I assume you're using PIL (Python Imaging Library). You need to replace your last line with (for example, if you want to serve a PNG image):

response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png") img.save(response, "PNG") return response 

See here for more information.

like image 132
Vinay Sajip Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Vinay Sajip