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Serilog's ILogger injected using Log.ForContext<T>, where T is the consumer

Serilog allows creating a context-aware logger:


I would like to register Serilog with SimpleInjector in such a way that T is the type of the consumer, i.e. it is which class it is injected in to.


public class Car
    public Car(ILogger logger) <= would be injected using Log.ForContext<Car>()

I can see this has been done with AutoFac.

And looking through the SimpleInjector documentation, there is a very promising overload of RegisterConditional() (with the Func<TypeFactoryContext, Type> parameter).

c.RegisterConditional(typeof (ILogger),
    x => Log.ForContext(x.Consumer.ImplementationType), <= won't compile as expecting a Type
    x => true);

however, I don't want to tell SimpleInjector which Type to build, but how to build one.

like image 721
jameskind Avatar asked Jun 03 '16 18:06


1 Answers

I have integrated Serilog with Simple Injector with the following code based on @Steven genius answer on StackOverflow: logger wrapper best practice

public interface ILogger
    void Log(LogEntry entry);

public class SerilogLogger<T> : ILogger
    private readonly Serilog.ILogger _logger;

    public SerilogLogger()
        _logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .ForContext(typeof (T));

    public void Log(LogEntry entry)
        /* Logging abstraction handling */

public static class ContainerExtensions {

    public static void RegisterLogging(this Container container)
            c => typeof(SerilogLogger<>).MakeGenericType(c.Consumer.ImplementationType),
            c => true);


In your Composition Root:

var container = new Container();
like image 73
janhartmann Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
