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Serialize .Net object to json, controlled using xml attributes

I have a .Net object which I've been serializing to Xml and is decorated with Xml attributes. I would now like to serialize the same object to Json, preferably using the Newtonsoft Json.Net library.

I'd like to go directly from the .Net object in memory to a Json string (without serializing to Xml first). I do not wish to add any Json attributes to the class, but instead would like for the Json serializer to use the existing Xml attributes.

public class world{
  public int ignoreMe{ get; }

  public int bar{ get; }

  public int polo{ get; }


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Iain Sproat Avatar asked Jan 14 '11 00:01

Iain Sproat

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1 Answers

Use [JsonProperty(PropertyName="foo")] Attribute and set the PropertyName.

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Aliostad Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
