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Serialize ASP.NET Control collection

I've been tasked with converting an existing ASP.NET site from using InProc session management to using the ASP.NET State Server.

Of course what this means is that anything stored in the Session must be serializable.

One of the most complicated pages in the app is currently storing an ASP.NET control collection to the Session. This is failing miserably because the controls cannot be serialized automatically.

Short of totally rewriting how the page works to prevent the need for storing the control collection in the Session, does anyone have a trick/solution for making the collection serializable?

like image 651
Tim Cavanaugh Avatar asked Dec 30 '08 21:12

Tim Cavanaugh

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2 Answers

Rewrite the page. You'll thank yourself later. There are sure to be other problems if the original "programmer" (and I use that term loosely here) thought it was a good idea to store a control hierarchy in session.

like image 74
Robert C. Barth Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10

Robert C. Barth

Don't store control collections in session state. Tess has a lot of articles about this, for example this one.

like image 20
erikkallen Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10
