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Serialization - readObject writeObject overrides

Having written the code below I now have to,use custom readObject() and writeObject() override methods in StudentData to read and write the object's variables. Without using the defaultWriteObject or defaultReadObject methods to do this.

The trouble is that I don't understand fully what am being asked to do. I have read Uses of readObject/writeObject in Serialization but I can't get my head around it.Can someone point me in the right direction?

My code:

import java.io.*; //importing input-output files  class Student implements java.io.Serializable {      String name; // declaration of variables     String DOB;     int id;      Student(String naam, int idno, String dob) // Initialising variables to user                                                 // data     {         name = naam;         id = idno;         DOB = dob;     }      public String toString() {         return name + "\t" + id + "\t" + DOB + "\t";     }  } 
import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;  class StudentData                     //main class {     public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException                  //exception handling     {         System.out.println("Enter the numbers of students:");         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));         int n = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());          Student[]  students = new Student[n];          //Student[]  S=new Student[n];                      // array of objects declared and defined         for (int i = 0; i < students.length; i++) {             System.out.println("Enter the Details of Student no: " + (i + 1));             //reading data form the user             System.out.println("Name: ");             String naam = in.readLine();             System.out.println("ID no: ");             int idno = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());             System.out.println("DOB: ");                            String dob = (in.readLine());              students[i] = new Student(naam, idno, dob);                                        File studentFile = new File("StudentData.txt");             try {                 FileOutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(studentFile);                 ObjectOutputStream objectOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOutput);                 objectOutput.writeObject(students);                  students = null;                  FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(studentFile);                 ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(fileInput);                  students = (Student[]) objectInputStream.readObject();             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                 e.printStackTrace();             }              for (Student student : students) {                 System.out.println(student);             }         }     } } 
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Quinn Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 20:10


People also ask

What is readObject and writeObject?

writeObject method writes the byte stream in physical location. To use the default mechanism to save the state of object, use defaultWriteObject. readObject method is used to read byte stream from physical location and type cast to required class. To read the data by default mechanism we use defaultReadObject .

What is readObject in Java?

The method readObject is used to read an object from the stream. Java's safe casting should be used to get the desired type. In Java, strings and arrays are objects and are treated as objects during serialization. When read they need to be cast to the expected type.

How can we avoid serialization of child class?

In order to prevent subclass from serialization we need to implement writeObject() and readObject() methods which are executed by JVM during serialization and deserialization also NotSerializableException is made to be thrown from these methods.

2 Answers

You have to do it like this:

import java.io.IOException;  class Student implements java.io.Serializable {      String name;     String DOB;     int id;      Student(String naam, int idno, String dob) {         name = naam;         id = idno;         DOB = dob;     }      private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream stream)             throws IOException {         stream.writeObject(name);         stream.writeInt(id);         stream.writeObject(DOB);     }      private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream stream)             throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {         name = (String) stream.readObject();         id = stream.readInt();         DOB = (String) stream.readObject();     }      public String toString() {         return name + "\t" + id + "\t" + DOB + "\t";     }  } 

The readObject is invoked just after creating an instance of Student (bypassing the normal constructor).

like image 148
antiguru Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09


I know this question is old, consider this for posterity

Typically you can let the JVM do the hard work by allowing all 'normal' fields to be deserialized automatically:

private void readObject(ObjectInputStream serialized) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException  {     serialized.defaultReadObject();     // After this, you can handle transient fields or      // special initialization that happens in the constructor } 

The documentation for defaultReadObject() is quite clear on this:

Read the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class from this stream. This may only be called from the readObject method of the class being deserialized. It will throw the NotActiveException if it is called otherwise.

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mvreijn Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09
