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Serenity + Rest services

I am trying to demo serenity with Restassured at my workplace here and show them how awesome and easy it is to use in comparison to using jasmine.js How ever I am stuck with few things in the basic test I am trying to do My test says

Given we have valid credentials for the client using this test
  When we try to serach for a medicine '<medicine>' 
  Then we get a valid '<perfLabel>' response with search results
  |Salbutamol (GA)|perflabel3|

When I go into the next step

@When("we try to serach for a medicine '(.*)' ")
    public void tryToSearchUsingEquals(String medicine)

In my Step method

  public void requestServiceSearchWhichEquals(String medicine)
  host = "http://www.int.abc.com.au/api/cs/v1/terminology-service/trade-product/search-summary?offset=0&limit=20&prefLabel=eq "+medicine+"&sort=prefLabel DESC&cache=false";


The questions I have are

  1. How do i inject the variables(Salbutamol, Panadol) into the uri?
  2. How do I put this URI into a seperate properties file and call it in the Step method?

Any help is really appreciated Thanks

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Maalamaal Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 17:11


1 Answers

RestAssured requests follow the same code structure which should be added into your sendRequest method:

   param("prefLabel", medicine).

URL can come from property file, but you need to create a method to upload it before test run and then you have to create a getPropety() method to get the current value you need.

I suggest to read the official documentation here: https://github.com/rest-assured/rest-assured

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Gergely A. Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Gergely A.