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Sequence with Streams in Scala




Suppose there is a sequence a[i] = f(a[i-1], a[i-2], ... a[i-k]). How would you code it using streams in Scala?

like image 984
Michael Avatar asked Dec 27 '11 11:12


People also ask

What are streams in scala?

The Stream is a lazy lists where elements are evaluated only when they are needed. This is a scala feature. Scala supports lazy computation.

How do you define a sequence in scala?

Sequence is an iterable collection of class Iterable. It is used to represent indexed sequences that are having a defined order of element i.e. guaranteed immutable. The elements of sequences can be accessed using their indexes. Method apply is used for the purpose of indexing.

Is seq ordered in scala?

Scala Seq is a trait to represent immutable sequences. This structure provides index based access and various utility methods to find elements, their occurences and subsequences. A Seq maintains the insertion order.

1 Answers

It will be possible to generalize it for any k, using an array for a and another k parameter, and having, f.i., the function with a rest... parameter.

def next(a1:Any, ..., ak:Any, f: (Any, ..., Any) => Any):Stream[Any] {
  val n = f(a1, ..., ak)
  Stream.cons(n, next(a2, ..., n, f))

val myStream = next(init1, ..., initk)

in order to have the 1000th do next.drop(1000)

An Update to show how this could be done with varargs. Beware that there is no arity check for the passed function:

object Test extends App {

def next(a:Seq[Long], f: (Long*) => Long): Stream[Long] = {
  val v = f(a: _*)
  Stream.cons(v, next(a.tail ++ Array(v), f))

def init(firsts:Seq[Long], rest:Seq[Long], f: (Long*) => Long):Stream[Long] = {
  rest match {
    case Nil => next(firsts, f)
    case x :: xs => Stream.cons(x,init(firsts, xs, f))

def sum(a:Long*):Long = {

val myStream = init(Seq[Long](1,1,1), Seq[Long](1,1,1), sum)



like image 170
Andy Petrella Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Andy Petrella