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Sequelize.js delete query?

People also ask

How do you use Sequelize destroy?

By default, Sequelize will assume the table uses an id column as its primary key. Now you can call destroy() from the Invoice model to delete a row by its id value: const count = await Invoice. destroy({ where: { id: 2 } }); console.

How do you destroy all in Sequelize?

User. destroy( {where: undefined}, {truncate: false} ). then(() => { return }). then(() => done()); db.

How do you query in Sequelize?

Sequelize instance comes with the query() method which you can use to run a raw query. The syntax of the method is as shown below: const [results, metadata] = await sequelize. query( "Your query here", { options } );

For anyone using Sequelize version 3 and above, use:

    where: {
        // criteria

Sequelize Documentation - Sequelize Tutorial

I've searched deep into the code, step by step into the following files:





What I found:

There isn't a deleteAll method, there's a destroy() method you can call on a record, for example:

Project.find(123).on('success', function(project) {
  project.destroy().on('success', function(u) {
    if (u && u.deletedAt) {
      // successfully deleted the project

Don't know if the question is still relevant but I have found the following on Sequelize's documentation.

User.destroy('`name` LIKE "J%"').success(function() {
    // We just deleted all rows that have a name starting with "J"


Hope it helps!

This example shows how to you promises instead of callback.

   where: {
      id: 123 //this will be your id that you want to delete
}).then(function(rowDeleted){ // rowDeleted will return number of rows deleted
  if(rowDeleted === 1){
     console.log('Deleted successfully');
}, function(err){

Check this link out for more info http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/api/model/#destroyoptions-promiseinteger

In new version, you can try something like this

function (req,res) {    
            where: {
                id: req.params.id
        .then(function (deletedRecord) {
            if(deletedRecord === 1){
                res.status(200).json({message:"Deleted successfully"});          
                res.status(404).json({message:"record not found"})
        .catch(function (error){