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Sequelize save() issue

Using Sequelize with NodeJS I have found an issue with the .save() method on a model.

Assume a database table with entries such as:

{ id : 1, name : "mary", enteredCompetition : 1, won : 0 }
{ id : 2, name : "mark", enteredCompetition : 1, won : 0 }
{ id : 3, name : "maya", enteredCompetition : 1, won : 0 }
{ id : 4, name : "maci", enteredCompetition : 0, won : 0 }

I retrieve one user that has entered the competition, and set this user as having won the prize:

User.findOne( { where : { enteredCompetition : 1 } } )
    .then( function( user ) {
        user.won = 1;
        user.save().then( function() {
            // done
        } );
    } );

The issue is that this code then proceeds to update all of the users in the database that have "enteredCompetition" set to 1.

I assume this has something to do with options of the model object that is returned from the findOne method. The whereCollection is set to { enteredCompetition: 1 }, therefore I assume when save() is called on it, it uses those where conditions in the update sql:

UPDATE `users` SET `won`=1,`updatedAt`='2015-08-19 09:59:27' WHERE `enteredCompetition` = 1

My question: is this expected behavior? I personally assumed that it would only update the record it originally pulled from the database, but perhaps I am missing a method that achieves this?

My current solution is to simply call findOne again with the id of the object that the original query returned, then call save() on this.

like image 796
mrain Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 04:10


2 Answers

What version of Sequelize are you using? I just ran a simple test with 3.5.1 and it's working as you'd expect.

Starting table:

| id |  username   |  type  |
|  1 | joshua f    | NORMAL |
|  2 | joshua f jr | NORMAL |

  where: {
    type: 'NORMAL'
}).then(function(instance) {
  instance.type = 'IRONMAN';
  instance.save().then(function() {

Gave me the following SQL:

UPDATE `users` SET `type`='IRONMAN',`updatedAt`='2015-08-20 05:07:49' WHERE `id` = 2

And the following table

| id |  username   |  type   |
|  1 | joshua f    | IRONMAN |
|  2 | joshua f jr | NORMAL  |
like image 131
Joshua F Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Joshua F

Try to console log the user and see what it contains

like image 43
Red Bull Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Red Bull