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Sequelize Multiple counts for one table

From one column in my table I want to get the sum count for the value types in these columns. As an example, one column are:

|paymentGateway |
|   Paystack    |
|   Flutterwave |
|   NIBSS       |
|   PAGA        |
|   Interswitch |
|   Paystack    |
|   Flutterwave |
|   NIBSS       |
|   PAGA        |
|   Interswitch |
|   Paystack    |
|   Flutterwave |
|   NIBSS       |
|   PAGA        |
|   Interswitch |

I ran the query in Progress DB Viewer and it works fine. This is the query:

  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = 'Paystack') AS paystack,
  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = 'NIBSS') AS nibss,
  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = 'Flutterwave') AS flutterwave,
  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = 'Interswitch') AS interswitch,
  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = 'PAGA') AS paga

The above query works fine and gives me this result here:

Query Result

Now, I'm trying to execute the same query in my code. So, I tried running the raw query first:

db.sequelize.query('SELECT  "paymentGateway",   SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = "Paystack") AS paystack,    SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = "NIBSS") AS nibss,  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = "Flutterwave") AS flutterwave,  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = "Interswitch") AS interswitch,  SUM(1) FILTER (WHERE "paymentGateway" = "PAGA") AS paga FROM    "Transactions" GROUP BY     "paymentGateway"').then(data => {
  console.log('Query Result', data)
  return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Completed Successfully' })
}).catch(err => {
  console.log('Query Error: ', err)
  return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Completed Successfully' })

Which was giving me SequelizeDatabaseError: column "Paystack" does not exist

I decided to do some googling and read through Sequelize docs. That was where I got this:

    attributes: [
      [db.sequelize.fn('COUNT', db.sequelize.col('paymentGateway') === 'NIBSS'), 'nibss'],
      [db.sequelize.fn('COUNT', db.sequelize.col('paymentGateway') === 'Paystack'), 'paystack'],
      [db.sequelize.fn('COUNT', db.sequelize.col('paymentGateway') === 'Flutterwave'), 'flutterwave'],
      [db.sequelize.fn('COUNT', db.sequelize.col('paymentGateway') === 'Interswitch'), 'interswitch'],
      [db.sequelize.fn('COUNT', db.sequelize.col('paymentGateway') === 'PAGA'), 'paga']
    group: '"paymentGateway"'
  }).then(data => {
    // console.log('Query Result', data)
    console.log('Query Length', data.count)
    console.log('Query Datavalues', data.rows.map(obj => obj.dataValues))
    return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Completed Successfully' })
  }).catch(err => {
    console.log('Query Error: ', err)
    return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Completed Successfully' })

The query above, gave me a result that I understand, but wasn't that meaningful to interact with.

Query Length [ { count: '3940' },
  { count: '3838' },
  { count: '4066' },
  { count: '4092' },
  { count: '4065' } ]
Query Datavalues [ { nibss: '3940',
    paystack: '3940',
    flutterwave: '3940',
    interswitch: '3940',
    paga: '3940' },
  { nibss: '3838',
    paystack: '3838',
    flutterwave: '3838',
    interswitch: '3838',
    paga: '3838' },
  { nibss: '4066',
    paystack: '4066',
    flutterwave: '4066',
    interswitch: '4066',
    paga: '4066' },
  { nibss: '4092',
    paystack: '4092',
    flutterwave: '4092',
    interswitch: '4092',
    paga: '4092' },
  { nibss: '4065',
    paystack: '4065',
    flutterwave: '4065',
    interswitch: '4065',
    paga: '4065' } ]

I would really appreciate it, if anyone can help me understand what I'm doing wrong. Thanks

like image 951
Tonespy Avatar asked Mar 11 '18 22:03


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What are the MySQL parameters for Sequelize model?

First five parameters are for MySQL connection. For more details, please visit API Reference for the Sequelize constructor. This Sequelize Model represents tutorials table in MySQL database. These columns will be generated automatically: id, title, description, createdAt, updatedAt.

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For those using SQL databases in Node.js platform, Sequelize is one of the most popular options. Sometimes you may need to use aggregate functions when fetching data from database, such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, etc.

What is Sequelize model?

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1 Answers

So, after more googling, I was finally able to solve the problem myself. Below is my implementation:

  attributes: [
    [db.sequelize.fn('COUNT', db.sequelize.col('paymentGateway')), 'count']
  group: 'paymentGateway',
  raw: true,
  logging: true
}).then(data => {
  console.log('Query Result', data)
  return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Completed Successfully' })

And the result:

Query Result 
  { paymentGateway: 'Paystack', count: '3966' },
  { paymentGateway: 'PAGA', count: '3954' },
  { paymentGateway: 'Flutterwave', count: '3995' },
  { paymentGateway: 'Interswitch', count: '4118' },
  { paymentGateway: 'NIBSS', count: '3968' } 
like image 110
Tonespy Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 02:11
