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Sendgrid email delivery drop due to Spamhaus listing [closed]


Starting on 2020-08-17, Sendgrid IP addresses were listed on Spamhaus for sending phishing emails. Shown here:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

This has dropped our email delivery to about 50%, as opposed to the usual 99%.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this, besides sending support tickets to Sendgrid or switching email providers?

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Wouter Florijn Avatar asked Aug 27 '20 08:08

Wouter Florijn

People also ask

Why are my emails being blocked by Spamhaus?

Why Was My IP Address Blocklisted On Spamhaus? When an IP is noticeably sending spam, they are listed on blocklists, otherwise known as DNSBLs. These blocklists protect email users from opening potentially harmful spam sent from IP addresses displaying suspicious activity.

Why are SendGrid emails blocked?

Blocks happen when your message was rejected for a reason related to the message, not the recipient address. This can happen when your mail server IP address has been added to a deny list, blocked by an ISP, or if the message content is flagged by a filter on the receiving server.

What is SendGrid drop?

SendGrid will drop an email when the contact on that email is in one of your suppression groups, the recipient email previously bounced, or that recipient has marked your email as spam. Bounces. The receiving server could not or would not accept the message.

Is Spamhaus reliable?

Least of all, Spamhaus. It is important to remember that Spamhaus plays an integral role in protecting email as a viable form of communication. Its track record as a reliable source for identifying malicious or unwanted email communications is impeccable, and we know it doesn't take incidents like this lightly.

2 Answers

To summarize, these are the options I could come up with:

  1. Attempt to get the issues resolved through support. We've tried this, but they were very slow to respond, or responded with irrelevant/false information (e.g. claiming that they had gotten an IP address removed from Spamhaus, while they hadn't).
  2. Get dedicated IP addresses. This would likely prevent blocks, as you have control over all emails sent, but does cost extra.
  3. Switch to a different email provider.

I went with option 3 and switched to Mailgun, which was quite easy to set up and works very well so far. Of course, no provider is perfect, so if you want more peace of mind, go with option 2.

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Wouter Florijn Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Wouter Florijn

I find it a huge shame Twilio and SendGrid have not been more transparent with this whole affair. They have a fantastic product.

For anyone not on the Pro plan (starts from $89.95/month) that allows dedicated IP addresses, so I suspect the vast majority of their customers, it has rendered SendGrid un-usable. Yet nothing on their status page or incident history page and as far as I can tell no public message about it. It seems the blacklisting happened around mid August and we're now in October.

I have contacted support and got a couple of replies

Thank you for contacting support. We want to assure you that we're working closely with Spamhaus to resolve the addresses listed on their site and lift any blocks. We're making progress and communicating with Spamhaus on daily basis. There's a good chance that this blocklisting may already have been resolved.

This is the nature of shared IP pools unfortunately.

This was a couple of weeks ago. I doubt Spamhaus will delist IP addresses without assurances it won't happen again. Perhaps they need to see MFA implemented for example. Who knows!

Again, it's a shame, the answer seems to be to migrate away from SendGrid. This seems like a pretty comprehensive list of alternatives to weigh up based on your own use case.

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Simon Ness Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

Simon Ness