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Send user to create new GitHub Issue with pre-filled bug data



I'd like my program to let the users easily file bugs with as much useful information for me as it relates to their issue.

When the user clicks the "report a bug" menu, a browser will open at, say, github.com/noamraph/dreampie/issues/new with info about their environment pre-filled.

Is it possible to do this through GitHub?

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Noam Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 22:07


People also ask

What is the best way to report a bug to a GitHub project?


Does GitHub have bug tracking?

Use GitHub Issues to track ideas, feedback, tasks, or bugs for work on GitHub.

How do I link issues in GitHub?

On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Issues. In the list of issues, click the issue that you'd like to link a pull request or branch to.

2 Answers

You can use the query vars to do this.

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heff Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10


This is possible and you can even have your users file the bug right from your application if you want to make use of the GitHub API.

Instead of opening a new tab or window, have it open up within your own application and send it through that, collecting the necessary details and logdump generated.

Via the GitHub API you can create an issue and pre-fill the title and body with what you need to know.

Then, capture the response back from a successful creation and notify yourself. Or check out the Issues tab on your repo as normal after it's created.

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random Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
