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Send SMS with trial twilio account

I want to try to send SMS to a cellphone in Austria. I have set up a free trial Twilio account to do so. however, my Twilio account seems not to be capable of doing so. but I think it should be possible to send SMS with the trial account?

This is a screenshot of my Twilio number where you can see that it's not capable of messaging: enter image description here

this is the exception i get when running my python-code which tries to send the SMS:

twilio.rest.exceptions.TwilioRestException: HTTP 400 error: 21606: The From phone number +43720881723 is not a valid, SMS-capable inbound phone number or short code for your account. 

any idea on how I can get this running? in other words: how can I activate SMS-capability for my free Twilio account? if this is possible, what are the limitations, i.e., how many free SMS messages can I send?


like image 806
beta Avatar asked Jan 18 '15 11:01


People also ask

Can I send free SMS with Twilio?

Talk to a Twilio expert to find the best fit for your needs. Otherwise, start sending SMS for free by signing up for Twilio's free trial.

How do I use Twilio trial number?

After signing up for your trial account, navigate to the Phone Numbers page in your console. Click Buy a Number to purchase your first Twilio number. On the "Buy a Number" page you'll see a list of all available numbers as well as their capabilities (Voice, SMS, MMS, and Fax).

Can I use Twilio for free?

When using a trial project with Twilio, all your usage costs are free. This includes the one phone number you own as well as any voice calls and SMS messages you make and receive during your Trial period.

How many SMS are free in Twilio?

Maximum of 35 SMS sent per day via the Authy or Verify API endpoints. Maximum of 100 Calls and SMS per month via the Authy or Verify API endpoints.

1 Answers

To send SMS with trial twilio account TEST ACCOUNT SID and TEST AUTHTOKEN which is placed inside Phone Number > Tools > Test Credentials rather than ACCOUNT SID and AUTHTOKEN given by Console Dashboard > Account Summary.

Because ACCOUNT SID and AUTHTOKEN is bind after you buy the twilio number and TEST ACCOUNT SID and TEST AUTHTOKEN is bind with +15005550006.

like image 156
Patel Maimit Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

Patel Maimit