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Send image data over RTC Data Channel

I am trying to send the image data over a Data Channel, but it is not working. When just getting the data from ctx.getImageData, I receive a string "[Object ImageData]" on the other side. Converting the data piece only to a blob results in an error: Uncaught NetworkError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'RTCDataChannel': Could not send data. I get the same error when trying to convert it to an ArrayBuffer. How should I do this?

like image 550
MarijnS95 Avatar asked Feb 05 '14 18:02


People also ask

How do I send a file using WebRTC?

We first turn the file into an array buffer using the Blob method arrayBuffer. We then send the chunks one by one, until the whole file is on the way. Finally we send an “End of File” message. On the other side of the channel, we create an array in which we will store the chunks (array buffers) as they come.

What is RTC data channel?

The RTCDataChannel interface is a feature of the WebRTC API which lets you open a channel between two peers over which you may send and receive arbitrary data. The API is intentionally similar to the WebSocket API, so that the same programming model can be used for each.

How does WebRTC send data?

Sending a message on a RTCDataChannel is done by calling the send() function with the data we want to send. The data parameter for this function can be either a string, a Blob , an ArrayBuffer or and ArrayBufferView . The remote peer will receive messages sent on a RTCDataChannel by listening on the message event.

1 Answers

Here is a demo I wrote up just now: http://richard.to/projects/datachannel-demo/

Note that I'm using local channels and am just displaying an image and not rendering onto a canvas. That should be easy to do. You may face issues when actually communicating with a remote device. I haven't tested it out yet. Also it only works in Chrome. But should be straightforward to make work in Firefox.

This was a bit tricky to figure out since the WebRTC stuff is constantly changing. Not to mention Firefox and Chrome work slightly differently.

I'm going to focus on Chrome, since the error messages you get seem related to Chrome, specifically Uncaught NetworkError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'RTCDataChannel': Could not send data. This issue was described here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/discuss-webrtc/U927CZaCdKU

This is due to the RTP data channel being rate limited. The link I gave you mentioned 3 KB/sec and in my testing that sounds about right.

The good news is that after Chrome 31, you can use SCTP based data channels. See here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/discuss-webrtc/y2A97iCByTU.

That means instead of this:

window.localPeerConnection = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(servers,
    {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]});

You can do something like this (probably can remove the second parameter):

window.localPeerConnection = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(servers,
    {optional: []});

I believe you will still be rate limited, but now it is 64kbps. I may be wrong about this number. Can't find the link I read it from.

One good thing about the SCTP channel is that you can use a reliable data connection (TCP) instead of unreliable (UDP) and the data gets sent in order. I'm not positive about that. Once again, can't find the link.

Now, because of this, it seems you will have to chunk you data still. You can't send it all at the same time in Chrome. You can do that in Firefox though.

The second thing you need to know is that blob data is not currently supported by Chrome. At least in regular Chrome 32. This means we have to send data as text if we want to use Chrome.

So what we can do is turn our image data in base64 since canvas.toDataURL(). Here is an example of how that would work:

var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = startimage.width;
canvas.height = startimage.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(startimage, 0, 0, startimage.width, startimage.height);
var data = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");

Now that we have our data, we just need to break up the bas64 string:

Here is an implementation of chunking the data that I use in my demo above:

function sendData() {
  trace("Sending data");
  sendButton.disabled = true;
  var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
  canvas.width = startimage.width;
  canvas.height = startimage.height;
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  ctx.drawImage(startimage, 0, 0, startimage.width, startimage.height);

  var delay = 10;
  var charSlice = 10000;
  var terminator = "\n";
  var data = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
  var dataSent = 0;
  var intervalID = 0;

  intervalID = setInterval(function(){
    var slideEndIndex = dataSent + charSlice;
    if (slideEndIndex > data.length) {
      slideEndIndex = data.length;
    sendChannel.send(data.slice(dataSent, slideEndIndex));
    dataSent = slideEndIndex;
    if (dataSent + 1 >= data.length) {
      trace("All data chunks sent.");
  }, delay);

The implementation is pretty straightforward, basically just using setInterval. You can mess around with the slice size and delay parameters. Also we need to set a terminator character to know when are message is finished. I just used a \n character.

And here is how the receiver would be implemented. Basically keeps track of the data until it receives the terminator character, which I just used newline character.

function handleMessage(event) {
  if (event.data == "\n") {
    endimage.src = imageData;
    trace("Received all data. Setting image.");
  } else {
    imageData += event.data;
    //trace("Data chunk received");

Hope this helps a bit. It was fun researching it. Not really sure if this would be the ideal solution for sending an image over WebRTC. There are some demos out there that do P2P file transfer and stuff. I guess it depends on your purpose.

like image 162
Gohn67 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09
