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Send a file through rabbitmq

I have a python client and a symfony backend. They can send and receive messages using rabbitmq.

I use rabbitmq symfony bundle on my backend.

I send an id of a php entity to the python client which get i through my api, do some work (heavy work) and store the result in a zip file. I want to send this zip file through rabbitmq. Is it possible? The file is really large (like 5mo)

If it's possible how can i do it ? (in an efficient way)

like image 407
RomMer Avatar asked Feb 05 '23 05:02


1 Answers

I would not recommend using a message broker to send files.

I would store the zip file somewhere s3, nfs, disk and add the URI as a resource pointer in the message.

More information about messages queues and message sizes can be found here: Maximum message size for RabbitMQ

like image 93
albert Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 18:02
