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Sencha Touch itemtap

I have a list of contacts that sencha touch is displaying in a list. Then when you click a name in the list it should slide to the right and say Hello {contact name}! but when it slides over right now it just says Hello !on line 29 is where the action is happening for item tap i belive the problem is here. I just dont know how to format it correctly. Below is my source code.

ListDemo = new Ext.Application({
name: "ListDemo",

launch: function() {

    ListDemo.detailPanel = new Ext.Panel({
        id: 'detailpanel',
        tpl: 'Hello, {firstName}!',
        dockedItems: [
                xtype: 'toolbar',
                items: [{
                    text: 'back',
                    ui: 'back',
                    handler: function() {
                        ListDemo.Viewport.setActiveItem('disclosurelist', {type:'slide', direction:'right'});

    ListDemo.listPanel = new Ext.List({
        id: 'disclosurelist',
        store: ListDemo.ListStore,
        itemTpl: '<div class="contact">{firstName} {lastName}</div>',

            itemtap: function(record, index){               

    ListDemo.Viewport = new Ext.Panel ({
        fullscreen: true,
        layout: 'card',
        cardSwitchAnimation: 'slide',
        items: [ListDemo.listPanel, ListDemo.detailPanel]



like image 371
Alex Avatar asked Jun 11 '11 20:06


2 Answers

The first argument passed to the itemtap event isn't the record of the List item tapped, it's the DataView itself.

From the docs:

itemtap : ( Ext.DataView this, Number index, Ext.Element item, Ext.EventObject e ) Fires when a node is tapped on

Listeners will be called with the following arguments:
this : Ext.DataView
    The DataView object
index : Number
    The index of the item that was tapped
item : Ext.Element
    The item element
e : Ext.EventObject
    The event object

You can grab the tapped record by using:

dataView.store.getAt(index); // where 'dataView' is 1st argument and 'index' the 2nd
like image 136
Stuart Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 03:11


itemtap: function(view, index, item, e) {
    var rec = view.getStore().getAt(index);

That's how I got it to work.

like image 28
Alex Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 03:11
