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Self-Signed Certificate for IdentityServer 4 Token Signing

Does the certificate used for signing tokens in IdentityServer4 have to be from a trusted CA in production?

My admittedly limited understanding is that it doesn't. But I can't seem to find a definitive answer either way.

And the obvious follow-up is, should it be from a trusted CA?

like image 664
Cory M Avatar asked May 14 '18 21:05

Cory M

People also ask

How do I change my identity server signing certificate?

Updating the Identity Signing CertificateOpen Manage Computer Certificates app, from Start->Run->type certlm. msc and OK. Go to the personal node and locate the certificate. Open the certificate and go to the 'Details' tab and get the thumbprint.

1 Answers

OpenID Connect does not mandate the usage of X509 certificates at all - you could also use raw RSA or EC keys.

If you want to use X509 you can self-sign them. Most libraries only check if the public key in the discovery document can be used to validate the token.

Some libraries allow additional checks on the certificate - and some environments mandate such checks.

But generally speaking - CA issued certs are not necessary.

like image 197
leastprivilege Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
