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Self-Signed CA not accessible via X509Store

I am running dotnet core 2.1 using LINUX container in Win10 machine and I have created a self signed CA using openssl and installed in docker machine. Docker output shows that the CA has been added.

enter image description here

And when I run below command it also shows me the installed certificate

awk -v cmd='openssl x509 -noout -subject' '/BEGIN/{close(cmd)};{print | cmd}' < /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

enter image description here

But, the installed certificate is not accessible via X509Store

Below code shows count : 0

 using (var store = new X509Store(StoreName.CertificateAuthority, StoreLocation.LocalMachine))
                Console.WriteLine($"LocalMachine-> CertificateAuthority-> Count: {store.Certificates.Count}");
                foreach (var cert in store.Certificates)
                    Console.WriteLine($"cert: {cert}");

Below code shows count : 151

  using (var store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine))
                Console.WriteLine($"LocalMachine-> Root-> Count: {store.Certificates.Count}");

                foreach (var cert in store.Certificates)
                    Console.WriteLine($"cert: {cert.IssuerName.Name}");

But I think it should be 152.

here is my docker file

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-runtime AS base

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk AS build
COPY TestWebApp1/TestWebApp1.csproj TestWebApp1/
RUN dotnet restore TestWebApp1/TestWebApp1.csproj
COPY . .
WORKDIR /src/TestWebApp1
RUN dotnet build TestWebApp1.csproj -c Release -o /app

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish TestWebApp1.csproj -c Release -o /app 
RUN ls -l
RUN ls certificate/ 

COPY TestWebApp1/certificate/ca.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
RUN echo ca.crt >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf 

RUN ls /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
RUN dpkg-reconfigure -p critical ca-certificates
RUN update-ca-certificates 
RUN awk -v cmd='openssl x509 -noout -subject' '/BEGIN/{close(cmd)};{print | cmd}' < /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "TestWebApp1.dll"]

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

like image 572
Ankit Sarkar Avatar asked Jul 25 '18 14:07

Ankit Sarkar

1 Answers

This seems due to the multi-stage Dockerfile.

You have installed the certificates in the publish image, but not in the final image. Also, base doesn't include the newly installed certificates.

I would suggest to

  1. either manually copy the certificates from the publish image to the final image
  2. or perform the dpkg-reconfigure ... update-ca-certificates during the final stage
  3. or install the certificates in the base image

My preference would be option 1.

like image 147
gesellix Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
