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Self referential type

What type T makes the following code compilable?

T f(){ return &f; }

I'd prefer a C answer, but I marked the question as C and C++ in case there is only an answer using templates.

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pythonic metaphor Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 04:11

pythonic metaphor

2 Answers

I hope this isn't cheating (C++ only):

class T {
    T (*_func)();

    T(T (*func)()) : _func(func) {}

    T operator()() {
        return *this;

T f() { return &f; }

int main() {
like image 193
zildjohn01 Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 04:12


Interesting problem, but without acceptable C solution, I guess.

Why this is impossible with C ? (some speculation here)

The type of a function returning T is:

T (*)(void) ;

Which expects T to be defined, of course... But then, as T is the type of the function itself, there is a circular dependency.

For a struct T, we could have had:

struct T ;               /* forward declaration */
typedef T * (*f)(void) ; /* f is a function returning a pointer to T */

Wouldn't the next notation have been handy?

function T ; /* fictional function forward-declaration.
                It won't compile, of course */
T T(void) ;  /* function declaration */

But as there is no way to forward-declare a function, then there is no way use the construct you wrote in your question.

I am no compiler lawyer, but I believe this circular dependency is created only because of typedef notation, not because of C/C++ limitation. After all, function pointers (I'm talking about functions here, not object methods) all have the same size (in the same way struct or class pointers all have the same size).

Studying the C++ solution

As for the C++ solutions, previous answers gave good ones (I'm thinking about zildjohn01's answer, here).

The interesting point is that they are all based upon the fact that structs and classes can be forward declared (and are considered forward-declared in their declaration body) :

#include <iostream>

class MyFunctor
   typedef MyFunctor (*myFunctionPointer)() ;
   myFunctionPointer m_f ;
   public :
      MyFunctor(myFunctionPointer p_f) : m_f(p_f) {}
      MyFunctor operator () ()
         m_f() ;
         return *this ;
} ;

MyFunctor foo()      {
   std::cout << "foo() was called !" << std::endl ;
   return &foo ;

MyFunctor barbar()   {
   std::cout << "barbar() was called !" << std::endl ;
   return &barbar ;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   foo()() ;
   barbar()()()()() ;
   return 0 ;

Which outputs:

foo() was called !
foo() was called !
barbar() was called !
barbar() was called !
barbar() was called !
barbar() was called !
barbar() was called !

Inspiration from the C++ solution to reach a C solution

Couldn't we use a similar way in C to achieve comparable results ?

Somehow, yes, but the results are not as sexy as a C++ solution:

#include <stdio.h>

struct MyFuncWrapper ;

typedef struct MyFuncWrapper (*myFuncPtr) () ;

struct MyFuncWrapper { myFuncPtr f ; } ;

struct MyFuncWrapper foo()
   printf("foo() was called!\n") ;

   /* Wrapping the function */
   struct MyFuncWrapper w = { &foo } ; return w ;

struct MyFuncWrapper barbar()
   printf("barbar() was called!\n") ;

   /* Wrapping the function */
   struct MyFuncWrapper w = { &barbar } ; return w ;

int main()
   foo().f().f().f().f() ;
   barbar().f().f() ;

   return 0 ;

Which outputs:

foo() was called!
foo() was called!
foo() was called!
foo() was called!
foo() was called!
barbar() was called!
barbar() was called!
barbar() was called!


You'll note that the C++ code is very similar semantically to the C code: Each source will use a structure as a container to the pointer of the function, and then, use the pointer contained to call it again if needed. Of course, the C++ solution uses operator () overload, makes symbols privates, and uses a specific constructor as syntactic sugar.

(This is how I found the C solution: Trying to reproduce the C++ solution "by hand")

I don't believe we could better the C solution's syntactic sugar by using macros, so we're stuck to this C solution, which I find far from impressive, but still being interesting for the time it took me to find it.

After all, searching solutions to bizarre problems is a sure way to learn...


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paercebal Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 04:12
