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Selenium WebDriver Issue with cssSelector

I am trying to click on a button with using a CSS selector in Selenium 2.0 WebDriver. The issue is the script which I am able to run with Selenium RC is not working with WebDriver. Code:

Selenium RC:

selenium.click("css=.gwt-Button:contains('Run Query')");

which works absolutely fine.

Selenium WebDriver:

driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".gwt-Button:contains('Run Query')")).click(); 

which does not work. I am using: selenium-server-standalone-2.9.0.jar with Firefox version 5.0. Could anyone help me in figuring out why the cssSelector is not working with WebDriver?

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Swagatika Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 14:02


1 Answers

'Contains' is being deprecated from CSS 3. Webdriver supports whatever natively supported by the browser. It works in selenium RC because RC uses Sizzle library for css selectors and it supports 'contains'. Did you try something like,

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".gwt-Button[type='button']");

If this is not unique then perhaps you might need to filter it further down. If your site uses jQuery then you could use 'contains' selector from jQuery.

JavascriptExecutor js = ((JavascriptExecutor)driver);
WebElement element = (WebElement) js.executeScript("return $(\".gwt-Button:contains('Run Query')\")[0];");
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nilesh Avatar answered Feb 25 '23 05:02
