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Selenium - Scroll down a growing page

I'm using Selenium with c#.

Selenium usually can automatically scroll down to the bottom of a web page to find elements but I having issues with a certain page which can increase in size.

Can anyone suggest code that will scroll down to the bottom of the page once it grows in size?

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user2184530 Avatar asked Sep 02 '13 11:09


People also ask

How do you scroll down a webpage in Selenium?

Selenium runs the commands in Javascript with the execute_script() method. For scrolling down to the bottom of the page, we have to pass (0, document. body. scrollHeight) as parameters to the method scrollBy().

How do I scroll down a popup window in Selenium?

Scenario 1: To scroll down the web page by pixel. Javascript method ScrollBy() scrolls the web page to the specific number of pixels. The syntax of ScrollBy() methods is : executeScript("window. scrollBy(x-pixels,y-pixels)");

How do you scroll extreme right in Selenium?

scrollLeft = arguments[0]. offsetWidth", element); Try above to scroll on extreme right - it worked for me. If you want to scroll on left change accordingly.

3 Answers

Try using javascript as described in this question

IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
js.ExecuteScript("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);");
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Brantley Blanchard Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Brantley Blanchard

I know it's an old one, but it may be of someone's help. I came out with the following C# code:

    private void ScrollToBottom(IWebDriver driver)
        long scrollHeight = 0;

            IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor) driver;
            var newScrollHeight = (long) js.ExecuteScript("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); return document.body.scrollHeight;");

            if(newScrollHeight == scrollHeight)
                scrollHeight = newScrollHeight;
        } while (true);
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Georgi Vatsov Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11

Georgi Vatsov

An example in C# using .Net 4.5 and Selenium WebDriver 2.45

Just change the _url variable to point to your website and run.

I used the ChromeDriver but it should work with the other drivers as well.

using System;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;

namespace SeleniumScrollTest {

    internal static class Program {

        // Declare Selenium Web Driver
        private static IWebDriver _chromeDriver;

        private static String _url;

        private static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Instantiate URL
            _url = @"http://my.website.com/LazyLoadContent";

            // Instantiate Web Driver as ChromeDriver and set initial URL
            _chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver {Url = _url};

            // Instruct the WebDriver to wait X seconds for elements to load

            // Instantiate JavaScript Executor using the web driver
            var jse = (IJavaScriptExecutor) _chromeDriver;

            // The minified JavaScript to execute
            const string script =
                "var timeId=setInterval(function(){window.scrollY<document.body.scrollHeight-window.screen.availHeight?window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight):(clearInterval(timeId),window.scrollTo(0,0))},500);";

            // Start Scrolling

            // Wait for user input

            // Close the browser instance

            // Close the ChromeDriver Server

If you've already a moderate understanding of Selenium and C#, the important bit is really the JavaScript. -Sourced from Cybermaxs, here

    var timeId = setInterval(function () {
        if (window.scrollY !== document.body.scrollHeight)
            window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
    }, 500);

The 500 above is the interval at which it will attempt scroll (in microseconds), adjust this as necessary. [1000 microseconds = 1 second]

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JerodG Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11
