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Selenium IDE - Command to wait for 5 seconds

I´m using the Selenium IDE for Firefox and searching for a wait command. My problem is that I want to test a website with a embedded external map. This external map needs 3-5 seconds to load.

My commands:

open /Page/mysite.html //Wait Command? (5 seconds) ClickAndWait link=do something 
like image 615
LaPhi Avatar asked Jul 14 '11 14:07


People also ask

How do I wait in Selenium IDE?

pause (time in milliseconds) - Selenium IDE command The pause command is a simple wait command and useful to delay the execution of the automated testing for the specified time. Note that the wait time is in MILLIseconds. So if you want to wait for 3 seconds, enter 3000.

Can I control the speed and pause the test executed in Selenium IDE?

To control the speed of the test execution, you can click on the clock icon on the toolbar and change the speed according to your requirement. To pause the entire test execution, you can click on the pause icon on the top left corner.

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By: Arun MotooriIn: Selenium. Refer the article New Selenium IDE – Commands (Selenese), for the complete list of Selenium IDE commands and their practical demonstrations. pause is one of the commands in Selenium IDE. The purpose of the pause command is to pause the execution of Selenium Test for the required time.

2 Answers

Use the pause command and enter the number of milliseconds in the Target field.

Set speed to fastest (Actions --> Fastest), otherwise it won't work.

like image 106
Adam Prax Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Adam Prax

This will delay things for 5 seconds:

Command: pause
Target: 5000

This will delay things for 3 seconds:

Command: pause
Target: 3000



enter image description hereenter image description here

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MacGyver Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
